About Haldi.co Coffee or Tea
Embrace the Extraordinary World of Colombian Coffee
The richest coffee in the world.


Haldi.co Coffee or Tea is an unparalleled international chain of coffee houses, a pioneer in the global coffee industry, originating from the heart of Colombia. For over four decades, we have been dedicated to elevating the world of coffee and tea through relentless innovation, and it's with immense pride that we share our exceptional journey with you.


A Symphony of Colombian Flavors

Our journey begins in 1977, with the establishment of a modest laboratory devoted to the cultivation of new industrial varieties of Arabica coffee. This marked the genesis of "HALDICO," a name synonymous with the finest, naturally cultivated Colombian coffee. Through groundbreaking techniques in tree crossbreeding and pollination, our experts harnessed the fertile Colombian landscape to yield over 20 exquisite coffee variants. Each of these represents the zenith of Colombian Arabica, setting us apart as global leaders in the domain of natural coffee aromas.


Colombia: Beauty, Nature, and Richness

Colombia's beauty, vibrant nature, and the warmth of its people have served as an inspiration throughout our journey. Our mission is to capture the very essence of this magnificent country in every cup we serve. HALDICO proudly holds the title of being "the richest coffee in the world." This title isn't just a testament to the diversity of Colombian coffee, but it's a reflection of the unique and distinctive qualities that set us apart.


The Best Arabica Coffee in the World

Colombian Arabica is renowned as the world's best coffee due to its rich, well-balanced flavor. Thriving at breathtaking elevations, the favorable Colombian climate enhances the growth of Arabica coffee, notably the Tipika, Bourbon, Maragogipe, Tabi, Katurra, and Varidad Castillo varieties. At Haldi.co, we offer the opportunity to savor this complete spectrum of coffee experiences. We are unwavering in our commitment to quality, meticulously sorting and preserving coffee beans without damage or mutations.

HALDICO: The Legacy of Excellence

In the nascent years of HALDICO, a laboratory was created to explore the numerous Arabica coffee varieties cultivated across Colombia's diverse climates. What emerged from this humble laboratory was the renowned brand "HALDI.CO COFFEE or TEA," a name now synonymous with excellence and consistently high standards.


Innovations that Transform Coffee

Over the years, our pioneering coffee-growing techniques, characterized by crossbreeding and natural pollination of Arabica trees, underwent rigorous testing and scrutiny in the leading laboratories of the USA and the European Union. The outcome was a product of unmatched quality, setting new standards for the coffee industry. HALDICO coffee undergoes complex and multi-stage processing, both wet and dry, followed by natural drying. The innovative three-stage grinding technology allows us to preserve the full spectrum of coffee aromas, embodying the rich diversity of Colombia's climatic zones.


Fostering a Sustainable Future

Since 1998, HALDICO has evolved into a publicly traded company, engaged in retail coffee sales produced using HALDICO's patented technology. Unable to grow the entire range of coffee on an industrial scale, we devised an innovative model. We formed direct contracts with farmers in five regions of Colombia. These farmers adopted our technology, with guaranteed purchase of their entire crop at pre-agreed prices. This symbiotic partnership helped us swiftly enter the world coffee market, while providing farmers across Colombia with steady demand for their premium products.

In 2016, the company was acquired by a private family office from the United Arab Emirates, and in 2018 the company's headquarters were moved to Yerevan, Armenia.



From Coast to Amazon: HALDICO's Unique Line


Scattered throughout Colombia, licensed HALDICO farms undergo meticulous quality control and technological supervision, cultivating excellent Colombian Arabica varieties of the SUPREMO and EXCELSO class. Our range encompasses everything from the lush coastal regions to the heart of the Amazon. This holistic approach ensures you experience the very best of Colombian coffee with every sip.

Make Your Choice with HALDICO



Embrace the privilege of choice with Haldi.co Coffee or Tea. Explore our rich spectrum of coffee and tea selections, and let your senses lead you to the perfect blend. With HALDICO, the world's most exquisite coffee and tea awaits.
Experience the Colombian Coffee Excellence at Haldi.co Coffee or Tea.