Connect, Create, Collaborate
InnoCafe Haldico is more than a coffee shop, it is an ecosystem for ideas to thrive. Our space is carefully designed to encourage collaboration and connection. You'll find cozy seating, collaboration areas, a meeting room, and high-speed Wi-Fi—all designed to help you bring your vision to life.
Events that Inspire
We host a wide array of events, from inspirational talks by industry experts to hands-on workshops where you can hone your skills. Pitch your ideas, find co-founders, or simply exchange thoughts with like-minded individuals. InnoCafe Haldico is where great ideas find their footing.

Empowering Startups and Entrepreneurs

InnoCafe Haldico is here to support startups, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Through collaborations with local universities and tech organizations, we're creating a dynamic ecosystem where your projects can flourish. 
Here are nine events that regularly take place within the InnoCafe Haldico concept:
These events aim to foster an environment where creativity and innovation flourish, making InnoCafe Haldico a unique and dynamic space for the tech and innovation community.

InnoTalks Series



InnoPitch Nights



InnoCollab Sessions

InnoThink Tanks

InnoDemo Days

The Future of Coffee Culture

Our cafe combines the rich heritage of Colombian coffee culture with the excitement of innovation. Discover a fusion of traditional coffee preparation techniques and state-of-the-art equipment, and enjoy the best of both worlds. As you savor our coffee, you'll also savor the culture and spirit of Colombia.

Brew Your Dreams at InnoCafe Haldico

InnoCafe Haldico is the place where coffee fuels your creativity and innovation knows no bounds. Join us in shaping the future, one cup at a time. Together, we'll turn your ideas into reality.

Are you ready to experience InnoCafe Haldico? Join us and be part of a community where coffee, innovation, and inspiration converge.